Seminar is being on 01/02.2017 in the lobby of the Extension Block, Delhi High Court from 4:00pm to 4:45pm

by Himadri Jain
Seminar is being on 01/02.2017 in the lobby of the Extension Block, Delhi High Court from 4:00pm to 4:45pm
Seminar on Appreciating Electronic Evidence being held on Friday, 18.08.2017 in Court Extension Building (Opposite court No.25-28), Delhi High Court from 4:30pm
Members are hereby informed that a seminar is being on Friday, 12.05.2017 in Court Extension Building (Opposite court No.25-28), Delhi High Court from 4:30pm
Members are hereby informed that an Interactive Sessions on ‘Growth of young lawyers – Role of Bar & Bench’ is being held on Friday, 13.02.2017